Velja afhendingarmáta

Höfundur Alda Sigmundsdóttir


Icelandic is one of the oldest and most complex languages in the world. In this book, Alda Sigmundsdóttir looks at the Icelandic language with wit and humour, and how it reflects the heart and soul of the Icelandic people and their culture. Many of the Icelanders’ idioms and proverbs, their meaning and origins, are discussed, as is the Icelanders’ love for their language and their attempts to keep it pure through the ongoing construction of new words and terminology.

There is a section on Icelandic curse words as well as Icelandic slang, which is mostly derived from English. Throughout, this book deconstructs Icelandic vocabulary, and the often-hilarious, almost naive, ways in which words are made. This is a must-read book for anyone interested in the Icelandic people, their culture – and of course their language.

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